Friday, October 9, 2009


There are four phases in business! The truth is you only get massive results and long term duplication of the "right things, the results oriented things" by staying in Phase I! I learned from experience and from the best mentors in the industry that the average person does their most recruiting in the first 90 days of business... so as leaders we always have to treat today as if it is our first day! Start all over again... today.... reset the clock and use the same passion, the same intensity, excitement and coachability that you had when you first got started!

The key is to remember that your people will do what you do! Phase I is the only phase...Check out the four phases, which one are you in?

Phase I
Recruiting and Retailing/wholesaling or sharing your product and/or services (Everyday in every opportunity).

Phase II
Managing your Managers
It is so easy to slip into this we feel responsible for taking care and and teaching and training our new folks...if everyone follows our lead as we recruit less and less we will have a group of people who recruit less!! The key is to plug your new folks into a training system and teach by example... what would you rather them copy...recruiting or managing? The best situation is outsource the training for your people to the best teachers and trainers you can find... I use Glenna deLisle as she trains generically and also within companies she feels are solid and long term. I also use Tom Challan as he can train online and remotely...perfect for in between live events, and belly to belly trainings.

Phase III Supervising the folks who are managing the Managers.
Recruiting has all but become extinct... someone in Phase III is following up with all the so called leaders in his/her organization to make sure they are following up with their teams....These folks make just enough check to make them feel safe and secure and like they are "the deal".... this person makes guest appearances on conference. calls but they are not recruiting... hence duplication begins to dwindle!

Phase IV Supervising the people who are supervising!
This phase is DEATH TO YOUR BUSINESS! This person does No recruiting whatsoever... and spends a lot to time checking the back office for their business to see how many new sign-ups ... how much the check is growing... and only calls their team members to see if people are doing their orders... so all the qualifications for this persons paycheck can be met! This person will show up to big events and stand in the back as if to say "Look what I did" as they pan the crowd... "Look at all my people" Phase IV is the most dangerous because it is when someone starts to believe in the edification that has been given to them! Vow to avoid Phase IV at all costs! You do not what to duplicate yourself if you are in this phase!

Best advice is to stay in Phase I and if you have slipped out of phase I...get back in Phase I now...not tomorrow but today! Because their is no greater feeling than to know if everyone in my group did what I did today... lots of products would be in new folks hands, lives would be changed and money would be made!

Go out and make it a great day!!

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